Looking for some ideas on network marketing tips and tricks? Well I want to share an excellent network marketing tip and trick that can help you increase signups, in just one day!
So we all know if we are prospecting for a network marketing business, we get many people who are what we call “Fence Sitters.” These are the people who say they are wanting to do it, but won’t ever get started. So the network marketing tips and tricks for today is to increase those number of “Fence Sitters” to get started. It’s called the “Paper Application Trick” and it goes like this:
Watch this video to learn more on the “Paper Application Trick”:
So now having fence sitters can be a plus sometimes. When you begin practicing these network marketing tips and tricks, you find ways to benefit from every situation.

As soon as one person joins your network marketing business, be sure to start calling your list of everyone who has expressed interest in your opportunity. The more that signup that day, the more tempting it is for each fence sitter. Best advice is to start with the person who you believe may be the least producing person.
You want the highest producing person to have the largest number of people to start off with in their organization. Give the largest benefit to him/her, so they will have a higher chance of joining.
If this network marketing tips and tricks article has brought value and a better idea to sign up more people in one day, please comment below and share on your favorite social media website.
photo by ratch0013/courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net
2 replies to "Network Marketing Tips and Tricks: Paper Application Trick"
Hey Jaye,
This is a great idea..But, I really don’t want to
miss lead others. Everyone needs help when
starting up, you just never know..They might
just end up being your best lead..Keep your
tips & tricks going, they are helpful for those
in need..Thanks for sharing..:)
This is not misleading in any way I think. When a new person signs up, it’s letting the others who wanted in know they need to hurry or they loose the team meber. After they signup you do same for them and it benefits everyone including the one who signed up first. I appreciate your comment and and thanks for sharing your opinion!