So you have ran out of people you know to tell your network marketing business to, and you need to learn how to prospect strangers in network marketing. In today’s message I am going to share some tips on how to prospect strangers in network marketing, and begin building much faster than waiting on your friends and family.
One of the largest problems people have with prospecting strangers is that they are nervous to speak to other people whom they don’t know. This is natural for when you first begin in network marketing, but the truth is, you will have to get over it.
It can be a simple strategy to prospect a stranger. But what many do is they do it wrong and get rejected. You need to be less pushy, less hype, and not care (sounds strange to not care, but you need to in a way). Many people try to convince others that they can make a lot of money, try to act like it’s the next big thing, and this will create resistance with most people.
Simply be in a hurry, and this will give you a reason to not be able to answer questions. Ask the stranger you are prospecting some questions first. Ask them things such as “How long have you worked here” if they are at work when you meet them. “Where are you from” can be a good way to possibly find something in common with them. It’s a good way to possibly get a real nice conversation going.
When you and the stranger you are prospecting seem to have a good conversation going and you are about to leave, ask them “Just throwing it out there, but would you be open to earning some extra money?” Or you can go off of what was talked about in the conversation. If they mention they are from a town you are familiar with perhaps, you can say “Just letting you know, we are helping some people in your town, and would you be open to making some extra money?”

The key is to say “open” and “extra” because everyone is open to look. Don’t say interested. Also when you say “extra” it means it can be anything. Everyone is open to making extra money.
Also be sure to get their information, and do not expect them to reach you by giving them yours. A major mistake when people are practicing how to prospect strangers in network marketing, they expect the prospect to call them. Be sure you are in a hurry and get the information from them and perhaps do not give them yours if it will show what you are doing before they see the presentation. People will ask others opinions on the project, and get negative remarks and you will loose the prospect.
Remember there is no certain question to ask, or no certain questions to get a conversation moving. You will have to learn to work with the situation. Practice how to prospect strangers in network marketing and your business will grow much more quickly.
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photo by Ambro/courtesy of
46 replies to "How To Prospect Strangers In Network Marketing"
Jaye, I think the ‘open’ and ‘extra’ word tips are useful, as well as avoiding ‘interested'[. I slip on that one a lot.
Mistakes will happen Larry, just shake it off and keep moving!
Jaye I really liked you video and explain about the “OPEN & EXTRA”. The way you put it makes a lot of good sense. I need to start doing it and make it work. Thanks Jaye!
Thanks Jerry, best of luck!
Thank You . Need more guidence on developing more business prospects especially stranger .
Thanks for the comment. I will be sure to look into making more content for prospecting strangers!
Thanks a lot jaye carden, the open and extral will work perfectly. Looking to using it soon.
Great Anthony, glad it helped!
Sir, Am a Nigerian but want to know how i can get foreign prospect because i want to make my business boom.. Am also a Student..
Will appreciate your tips Sir..
Thanks ..
I will reach out to you in person Fhemi. Thanks for coming by and letting me know your challenge.
Hi, thanks for this tip. I think it’s just what I was looking for. I have run out of friends to talk to about my network marketing business and I want to go global. How do I get prospects from other countries? NB: I am Nigerian.
Hi Lilian, thanks for coming by. The best way to get people in other countries is to use the internet and put out funnels, articles, and build a list.
i am scrared taking to to people i meet…and doing a one on one presentation for my business yet i put my tution to start this business…what can i do?
Hi Conrad, you don’t have to ONLY talk to people you meet in person, you can also use a phone. Fear will hold you back, so you MUST let the fear go and move forward. I’ll be reaching out to you by email to see what all I can help with. Thanks for coming by.
Hi Jaye… Wonderful… Simple yet powerful tip… You are right… Why would anyone say know to earning exta and be open to look for an opportunity… Thanks… I will start implementing… And yes… Don’t spend too much time or giving too many details in the first go..
Thanks Ankur, glad it helped. Thanks for coming by!
How are you jaye?Am a student in Kenya but doing network marketing part time.Would wish my business to boom all over the world.but the problem is how to prospect to people.will appreciate.Thanks.
I am good Millicent. I look forward to helping you in any way I can!
Am also a nigeria but i find it very difficult to connect with people and recruit people in abroad into my business ,I want to make my business global and i don’t want to littering people wall on facebook to recruit .Am tired i fill like giving up on the business .This is my third year in the business going to 4 years now .Pls help me another opportunity right in my front now vida divina i want to explode the business if i can .More so people believe anything that come from africa is a scam and am not ready for such .I run legal business which network marketing .
I understand your struggle Akintola. This is a tough business, but can be very rewarding when you learn more about what to do. I would be happy to help you in any way I can get your business in Africa moving. Thanks for the comment.
I am new to network marketing business. I have a fear of talking to complete Strangers though I know everything. I had a confusion that how should I start talking to complete strangers or what should I say to them first.
Always the best way to start a conversation with strangers, is by doing it the way you always have. Mentioning things to them that are not related to your business, just to get the conversation going. Just start talking to people and you will find many are easy to invite.
i do lots of proselecting but eventually people do not show out for presentatuon what could be the problem
Hey Gladys, thanks for coming by. Most likely it is how the invite is being presented to them. There is no way to always get 100% show up rate, but there is a way to get more show then not. I’ll create a video soon for the proper way to invite to a presentation and let you know when it comes out.
Hi I recently joined team mdc not long ago it looked promising when starting now I seem now to get any people but now having read what you wrote maybe change is certain
Well I am not sure who mdc is, but if you feel you are doing the right thing, I’d say go for it.
Thanks for powerful words Jaye
You’re very welcome, thanks for coming by.
Dear sir, I am from India new in networking marketing, my question is sir after Presentation how to Convinced the Client sir.
A lot of that is how you present. If you are finding their “pain” then you can present a solution. It makes the prospect most likely to want the benefit of the company or product. Thanks for asking!
hello jaye,
I’m in a new mlm business here in Uganda. when ever I’m prospecting and they ask what it’s about I give them the straight answer. after telling them I see their attitude changing and they look for possible excuses to dodge presentation. please advise me on how I can make this better. thanks
The best way is to use a B.I.C before asking them for their info. Always be in a hurry, find a reason to break the conversation, then ask if they are open. This keeps them from wanting you to explain what all it is about, and they learn from the presentation that has higher effects.
Hi Jaye, I understand that after getting leads to prospect, first thing to do is to get to know a little about them before the presentation. what if the newly generated leads (especially, those sourced from online) are apprehensive about you getting to find out about them. what other alternative would you recommend? thanks.
Good question Andre, I will shoot you an email and explain a bit on this. Long explanation to it. Thanks for coming by!
Wow thanks Jaye…so useful
Your Welcome!
I am in network marketing 7years now worm market is in the end now I am struggling to get strenger
Thanks for your comment Rosemary. I sent an email to you to see if I can help.
Hello sir,came across your article….prospecting generally is something I find difficult…. I’m doing Swiss golden and I have been able to recruit just two people
Can you please teach me prospecting both locally and internationally…… I’m from Nigeria but I wish to expand my swissgolden business outside the shores of Nigeria……..Thanks…..
Yes Nneoma, I’ll reach out to you by email. Thanks for commenting and I hope I can help a lot!
Please am seriously having difficulties in recruiting new members into my business, I have read your post, like it.. I need explosive strategy and steps to apply for massive result. will be glad if you can be of help,
Sure Samuel, reach out to me via email or I will reach out to you ASAP. Thanks!
hey jayden
thanks for the advise,,, this applies to stranger. how do i lure my friends to join the business
Actually James, friends are more difficult for most people. For me, I didn’t have success with warm market until I began building a team with cold market. Once I was pulling nice checks every week, my friends joined me without me asking them. My advice is always to start with strangers and cold market for that reason.
Great tips here Jaye. Enjoyed the blog
Thanks Shane, I appreciate you coming by. Hope you get a lot from here!