If you are searching for network marketing training for any reason, you need to read this. No matter how successful you are, or if you are just beginning, this may be one of the greatest tips in network marketing training you will ever know of. I will explain to you how peanut butter may be the turning point for your business, and just what it really has to do with marketing.
If you are puzzled at how peanut butter will actually be the direct reason your business takes off, then stop thinking. Peanut butter itself won’t do this, but I want to focus on peanut butter to get the message across so you can understand more clear.
The network marketing training is actually on something we call “Triggers”, and in this article, peanut butter is the trigger.

In marketing, or network marketing, a “trigger” is something that will make a person think of you, and your brand. So when I say peanut butter, you may think of Jelly? Some may think of chocolate? It is an object, figure of speech, or even a day of the week that will have people think of you. So be sure you don’t tie yourself into a negative trigger unless you want that type of publicity.
There are several different people with many different products reading this, so I can’t tell anyone what their trigger should be. But many companies and brands will use days of the week for special promotions, so they get tied into that particular day.
Using the peanut butter example, think of what you can tie a product to, or create a special day of the week that will have people think of you when they hear what day it is.
What could you find or create, that is heard on a common basis, that can have people think of you? This is a challenge and a brain twister, but when you keep this in mind, you will stumble across your trigger.
If you liked what you just learned about on “Triggers”, please leave a comment below and share this on your favorite social site. If you have thought of your brand a great trigger, please feel free to share it below as well. Sometimes network marketing training ca be imaginative, but always fun!
10 replies to "Network Marketing Training: How Peanut Butter Will Save Your Business"
Great idea, to have a trigger to help brand you in
your business. I will be thinking about this very
seriously and see what I can come up with.
Thanks for the idea, I love it.
I’m glad it helped and got you to thinking about it!
Jaye, this is a very cool post. Sales, whether someone buys your products, service, course, or joins your team, is always based on emotion. People always have something that triggers them to buy. It’s in marketing everywhere. Great stuff man!
Thanks Scott, it sure is!
Jaye Brenda & Scott both great comments. I have to agree on both. Great webinar with a great examble th help promot and to brand yourself. Thanks Jaye.
You’re welcome Jerry! Thanks for coming by!
I’m still working on a specific “Trigger” for my business opportunity Jaye. Thank you for sharing this video!
You’re welcome Rodney, thanks for coming by!
This post is very helpful for me . I have learnt lot of things from your post . Thank You
Thanks Tim, I am glad it helps.