MLM Recruiting | Network Marketing Recruiting Tips | How To Recruit 3 New Reps A Week

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Everyone in MLM or network marketing knows, that the more people you can bring into your organization, the more volume, and money is generated. This is what leads to success, and a life filled with exciting adventures!

On Thursday night, Feburary 12th 2015, I hosted a live webinar called “How To recruit 3 New Reps A Week”. Below is the recording of the event, and in it you will learn some of the best network marketing recruiting tips, and how to master network marketing recruiting, or MLM recruiting.
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Network Marketing Recruiting: 6 Top Secrets

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What’s the secret to network marketing recruiting?

Let’s take a look into what top recruiters know, so you can implement it into your own business

Why is it that some people in network marketing, can seem to recruit anyone they wish? How do these leaders recruit new members every week, like clockwork? We must learn to master recruiting if we want to make it in network marketing, so I am going to share with you some of the top secrets to network marketing recruiting.

One reason some are better at network marketing recruiting is because they try. They actually speak to people often enough to find someone interested in their business. If you are NOT prospecting and getting eyeballs on your company’s presentation, then there is a problem you must work on fixing.

Another reason some become masters of recruiting is due to their posture. Posture better comes the more you practice your



network marketing recruiting. You must have good posture when you are presenting your opportunity to others. They will feel you from how you react to their questions.
Never show concern if they pretend to be not interested. Good posture is making the prospect believe and understand that it will not hurt your business if they chose to not join. You must present yourself as a strong leader when presenting your opportunity.

Asking a prospect the right questions is important as well. The more you know about their reason to need a network marketing business, the better it will be for you. Learn what they wish to have, what they struggle with, why they would want to have a side project, and as much as you possibly can.
You can use this information in case you pick up on fear from the prospect. Sometimes reminding them of that dream they mentioned to your question you had asked earlier is all it takes to get them fired back up and make the step forward.

Answer question with questions. This is a powerful strategy that top recruiters use all the time. If a person ask you a question that has a negative vibe, or not the feel you want your prospect to be feeling. Use a question back at them as an answer. An example would be if a prospect asks “Is this a pyramid?” A good response would be “What’s your idea of a pyramid Mr. Prospect, explain to me what that is?” Of course then they would explain what most would, and which you can reply back to as them describing more of a job type work.

Know when you have won. Never continue past the point of victory. An example would be a prospect telling you they are interested and ready to join, and then you want to tell them one more reason why this is such a great company. That last reason, or part of the company you love so much, may be all it takes for the prospect to find a new question, or even something that makes them decide to hold and do some research. Anytime a prospect goes off to do research or to think on it, usually means you have lost that prospect. When they say now, take it as now.



Be sure to have a good close as well. Sometimes it is best to go for the kill as I call it. This is when a prospect is very excited and is talking about all the great things he or she could do with this company. This is a good time to say something along the line of “Sounds to me like you are ready to join.”
Once you have made your close attempt, do not speak until they give an answer. This can turn some into moving forward with it, and it will show your prospect the leadership inside of you.

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“Recruiting Masters” Live Webinar

Friday December 12th, 2014 8 p.m Eastern
Register Here

top photo by renjith krishnan/courtesy of

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MLM Recruiting Secrets: 5 Major Tips To Recruit More

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If you are trying to figure out what it is that some people are doing to recruit so many people into their MLM business, then read this post on MLM Recruiting Secrets: 5 Major Tips To Recruit More.

MLM Recruiting Secrets

Unless you have numerous amounts of new leads coming in every day, you are  probably going to have to learn these 5 tips on MLM Recruiting Secrets I share  here. You will want to get to the point where you have 1,000 leads a day, but for  now, just learn these 5 tips and you will see a major difference in your MLM  business.

MLM Recruiting Secrets #1: Be Professional

This may be a “duh” moment for you. But I want to define what it means to be  professional. Knowing how to present yourself properly is a first step. Without  this, you can defeat every purpose of all the other tips.

First off, always dress like you are already big. Never show up to a meeting or to recruit someone wearing clothes like you don’t care. You must be clean and looking sharp. If you can’t care about your appearance, why would someone think you care about your business?

Also being professional is having great posture. Posture can really be a turn on to someone watching you present your opportunity. It makes you look as a leader. As someone who can help them get to the next level. This is all about being professional.


MLM Recruiting Secrets #2: Cold Market Recruiting

We are always told when we join MLM companies and teams, to go tell everyone you know. There is nothing wrong with this at all. Some have done well this way. But most people will quit because of the rejection they will get from those they know. They realize quickly that the ones they have known their whole life aren’t as supportive of this new idea or excited about it as they were. So you need to be ready to approach cold market as soon as possible.

By working with people you don’t know, it makes it much easier to be professional in their eyes. If you have good posture, they will assume you’ve done this for a while and are successful already. Much different than the warm market. So you need to learn how to make as many leads as you can, and be prepared to talk to strangers.

watch this free video on 10 ways you can find new leads for your mlm business CLICK HERE


MLM Recruiting Secrets #3: Create Your Own Leads

Leads are the life blood of the MLM business. You must have new people at all times to speak to. But at first you may find yourself having to buy leads once your warm market has met it’s end. There is nothing wrong with buying leads, but you will find yourself talking to many people who waste time and a lot of money getting wasted. So creating leads as quick as you can will make you much more profits.

You can use the video above to find new leads or CLICK HERE to see it. Use those 10 ways to the best of your ability and do not be afraid to contact them. This fits in with the #2 MLM recruiting secrets of cold market. There are many free ways to find new leads, and paid ways that will make each lead a little less than what you will buy them for. Just know that the more targeted your lead is, or the more qualified the leads are, the higher the result. You need to spend time talking with people who are more serious, and less with those that are just wanting free stuff.


MLM Recruiting Secrets #4: Paper Application

This MLM Recruiting Secrets works with any company that offers a binary payment plan in any of it’s compensations. This is simply where you keep a list of all people who said they are interested, but not now or they haven’t committed yet.

When you do hit your mark, and get someone interested and ready to sign up, you simply take their information down on paper instead of applying it into the website. This way you can simply call the ones who are in Limbo and tell them something like this: “Mary decided to get started today, but since I spoke with you first, I wanted to give you the chance to get in before Mary so she will be on your team”

This gives a reason to get started just a little more. And you don’t have to stop at just one. This goes on until you got a decision from everyone possible. If it works correctly, you will be spending a lot of time putting people’s info into your back office. But it’s well worth it!


MLM Recruiting Secrets #5: Use The Right Tools

Yes. Using the correct tools can be the way to find leads, recruit more, and build your online presence. I can share some of the easiest tools to use, and the ones to get a start in now.

First use what I call the Facebook of MLM, or IBOToolbox. This website is a great, and free, way to network, learn, and get yourself free advertising. It has a numerous amount of new traffic daily, and this traffic is mostly non-members. So this should be used immediately. CLICK HERE to begin at IBO.

Tools can help you reach maximum levels with whatever angle you are trying to take. The website above is a great tool and offers many great tools such, even a way to have a capture page, and get blogs ranked. This is big for the beginner or the professional.

You may also need to consider an Auto-Respondor. This is so you can begin building a list of email addresses for both recruiting leads, and customers, and have them stored in a place that can get through spam filters, and it’s a one email to send to all! Saves a lot of time, plus you can personalize it. Write one email, hit send, everyone knows your offer or invite. The best AR to use is AWeber. Try it for just $1 and see for yourself. CLICK HERE to start your AR.

Having the correct tools will be like setting yourself up to win. All professional use ARs and as many websites as possible to generate new leads. But my most highly recommended site to use, is the MLSP Academy.

Use MLSP Academy to learn everything you need to know about MLM, marketing, affiliate marketing, and much more. This course and program helped me go from under $400 a month in earnings to replacing 3 part time jobs in just 3 months. This is a tool for those who are dead serious about becoming a professional marketer. CLICK HERE to learn more.


I hope this has helped you gain more knowledge towards what it is you must do to begin recruiting more reps, and building a giant MLM business. The MLM Recruiting Secrets I share above are the ones I used and it has changed everything. It will take time to build momentum, but if you use the secrets, and the tools I listed, you will find yourself getting there soon enough.

Please feel free to comment and share. Be sure to sign up for the next live training I have and be sure to subscribe to my blog so you can keep up with daily new info on building your MLM business.

Top image by Master isolated images/ Bottom image by Kookkai_net/courtesy of


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