Social Media Tip: The Hastag

Are you using the hashtag in your social media marketing? If not, you may want to read this content and consider using it. This social media tip will focus on the hashtag, the importance of it, and the type of results that are possible when you know how to use hashtags inside of your social media marketing.

What Is The Hashtag?


The hastag was created by Twitter, but now is in almost every social media website. So I want to dive into what the hastag is, and explain the benefits of using it when you build a network marketing, or any type of business using social media.

The hastag is basically the pound symbol, number symbol, and looks like #. If you place this in front of any word such as #example, then it automatically makes your hastag word more easy to find by people searching the social media website for #example.

If you use hashtags properly, they can increase your lead generation by up to 300%, or so I have seen in my own marketing results. This is very much worth hashtagging the right words in your social media posting.

What Should I Hashtag?

I will give examples from a network marketer base, since most of my readers are in network marketing. These are just examples, to give you an idea of what you should use as a hashtag in your own content.

If I were wanting people to see my Tweet, Facebook Status Update, or even Google+ post about my company’s new product in skin care, I would would hashtag both the company name, and the name of the new product. This way if someone on any of the sites were to go looking for information on this new product or the company, they will be much more likely to see your post about it.

On Twitter, if you were to make a tweet that promotes a new training for network marketers, perhaps your tweet could be “Learn the power of using the #hashtag in your #mlm business http://example #networkmarketing #homebusiness”

I use a few extra hashtags in this Tweet, but what I realize on Twitter is, the more you can use that are related to the content of the tweet, the better.

However, that is not always the case on Facebook and Google+. Using too many hastags there could come off as spam, or unattractive. Use about 2 to 3 hashtags on these two websites, and you will be okay.

 The Power Of Using Hashtags


Using hashtags are extremely useful for people who do not have the funds to use social media paid advertising. It is free to use a hashtag, and the more you practice with them, the better you will get with them.

Once I began getting serious with hashtags, I realized my followers increased, my tweets were getting re-tweeted and discovered by a lot more people, and my content was bringing in more new leads everyday. This is why you want to use hastags, when you are tweeting, or posting on other social networks.

This social media tip I am sharing with you, may be one that will really change the outcome for your posts and tweets. If you are promoting a new piece of content you wrote, or a webinar you want to increase attendance on, be sure to use hashtags related to the material. This will bring your post to the attention of those who are searching for what you have.

How Do I Learn More On Social Media Tips And Marketing?

It’s as simple as using the form above on the top right of this page. Be sure to sign up for my free gifts, daily tips, and weekly mastermind training where you will get more information and knowledge of social media tips, network marketing secrets, and all types of advertising ideas that will help you increase your results.

Be sure to comment and share this material with other network marketers. Feel free to send it to your team, and help them learn to get results using this social media tip.

top photo by David Castillo Dominici/courtesy of

bottom photo by Stuart Miles/courtesy of

About The Author

Jaye Carden

Self Employed Network Marketing Entrepreneur

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  • Monna Ellithorpe

    Reply Reply April 25, 2015

    Hi Jaye,

    Great post and you are so right in your advice to use hashtags. For some reason, I seem to forget them when leaving comments, etc.

    Thanks for the tips #jayecarden #hashtagtips

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