5 Lead Generation Tricks For Network Marketing Using A Blog

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If you are in search of ways to generate new network marketing leads, and you are hoping to generate them through a blog, then this post will be the perfect piece of content you will find for this matter. I will be sharing the 5 top ways I personally use, and other network marketing bloggers, to generate high quality network marketing leads for our business.


Get the #1 network marketing blogging blueprint from the #1 network marketing blogger

Trick #1: Banner Ads

That may seem like a given, and it should be. But, banner ads aren’t always pulling results for some like they expected. This can be for a few reasons. Either their banner ads are not attractive, or sometimes off subject, therefore do not get clicks.
A banner ad needs to be directly in line with your niche. You can use ads that all go to the same offer or resource if they are all different messages. Keep it to a simple sidebar, and try not to overload the page with banner ads and flashy things. This can distract the reader and have them back out instead.
Just think of the sites you have visited that were so overloaded with banner ads you thought it was unprofessional. Then think of the sites where you like the outlay and ease of the banner ads, therefore seemed professional. Banner ads are a great source for turning traffic into leads, and can be a one time effort, showing on every piece of content thereafter.

Trick #2: Anchor Text Links

Believe it or not, these seem to get a lot of clicks. These are the links inside of the actual content, and can be placed in any area of the blog. Usually they are used for a recommendation or reference.
A good example would be if you were looking up where to buy MLM leads. You come across a blog that seems like it may have the info you are looking for. While reading you begin learning about generating your own leads, and you see those change of color words, usually blue, and it is clickable. Then it takes you to another piece of content or an offer that focuses on lead generation.
It may sometimes be slightly off topic, but never too far. If there are links to offers you have in your niche, you should use anchor text links to those offers anytime you mention or the subject gets brought up.

Trick #3: Link Below Video

Similar to an anchor text, this link is an entire sentence that goes beneath a video you added to your content. Videos are more responsive than text. If you place an offer, or something in which they can learn more about the topic of the video, it will get clicks.
As you see in this piece of content itself, I have the link to an offer that will help you increase your results with blogging. You can find it below the video, and in the next trick that may get you even more clicks, and leads.

Trick #4: The P.S Line

Who knows why, other than it just looks good. A P.S line at the end of every blog post is a good way to increase leads and get traffic to other websites or content you have.
It should be an extension of what the content is focused on, or a way for someone to continue learning more about what they are reading. Since this topic is on blogging, just like in trick #3, the P.S line focuses on the same topic and offer.
Be sure the P.S line is in larger text than the rest of the content, and you can even have the entire sentence in this line become a link. It makes it easier for someone to see and read. It also catches those readers who are simply scanning your content for what little info they can find, and not really reading it word for word. Think of the P.S line, like a net at the end.

Trick #5: The Pop-Up

Really? Didn’t we always hear the pop-ups are annoying and drive people away? Perhaps in some cases, but when used correctly, they will be the most effective lead generating trick of all.
Be sure to use an offer that your niche will actually be interested in, or can be willing to trade their name and email address for. By using bad offers, or not setting the pop-up in a non-intrusive manner, can actually be the cause of lost traffic.
Set your pop-up to be a here and there thing. Don’t let it just continue popping up, or having a few different pop-ups. If a reader ever has to close a pop-up a second time in the same post, it will distract them from the content. Use pop-ups in your content for leads, and be patient with them. Over time they become your #1 lead magnet if your offer is good.

The Final Thoughts

There you have it. Those are my own personal 5 top lead generation tricks for network marketing leads using a blog. Never let your blog become a place where a reader feels they are watching commercials only. Always make the major focus on your content. If your content is good, you will continue getting visitors, and leads. However, not having a way to capture these network marketing leads, will not benefit you no matter how good the content is. Focus on your offers, make them great, and it is all about the content from there on.

P.S If you wish to become a master at blogging, generating leads, and earning $3,000 to $5,000 everyday from just your blog alone, then take a look at “The 3-Minute Expert” by the #1 network marketing blogger.

About The Author

Jaye Carden

Self Employed Network Marketing Entrepreneur

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  • Carla

    Reply Reply February 10, 2017

    Thank you for this gem! The pop ups are a real huge booster…you can increase optins by 17%!

    • Jaye Carden

      Reply Reply February 11, 2017

      They really are, yes. All of the tricks listed work, but pop-up I believe is most blogger’s primary lead source.

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