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Are you waiting to learn more before you begin actually promoting your network marketing business? Or perhaps you are waiting until you feel like your ready? When we are new to network marketing, we have many questions we will ask, and we always feel like there is something missing. I want to share with you today, on how to feel like it is time to begin promoting your network marketing business.

The longer you wait to begin talking to others and taking action, the longer you have to wait for success. The truth is, you will always feel like there is more to learn, but do not let that be an excuse to sit by and wait for the answers to come along.

By getting out and speaking to others, the answers will come. You can learn many things on your own. Consider it like hands on experience. By moving forward, you will begin gathering the experience you need.

There will always be more to learn, always. This is not a reason to begin working on your business. Do not be afraid of questions people will ask, and do not be afraid of not knowing an answer that may be asked. I have been asked many questions I did not know the answer to, yet never has that been an issue for others in joining me or purchasing a product.


If you wait til you feel like the time is right, you more than likely will just wait forever. So begin getting yourself some hands on experience and begin speaking to others today.

It is mostly an issue in feeling more comfortable. But the truth is, in network marketing, the more you feel comfortable, the less likely you are to be doing what you need to be doing. Prepare to step out of your comfort zone and put yourself in uncomfortable situations.

Did you get value from this article, or has it helped you to realize it’s time to move forward? If so, please comment and share on your favorite social media platform. Be sure to share this with your team as well!

photo by imagerymajestic/courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net


Jaye Carden
Jaye Carden

Self Employed Network Marketing Entrepreneur

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