One of the first things you are told by your upline when you join a network marketing opportunity is “Make a list of everyone you know”. So you write down all your friends, family, and people you see on a regular basis. You set out to contact them and introduce them to your opportunity and upline, but things don’t go so well. They don’t respond in a way you may of thought they would have. They seem skeptical, and may even make fun of you for attempting to build a business.
If you have experienced something like this when you contacted your warm market, you are not the only one. As a matter of fact, most people get this same response from their warm market.
This is why I want to share some tips with you on how to get your warm market to join your network marketing opportunity. Nothing is ever 100%, but learning a few things on sponsoring warm market, can certainly help get you better results when you approach or re-approach the ones you know.
Why Warm Market Can Be Difficult
There are a few reasons why warm market can be difficult to prospect. By understanding these reasons, it will help you to understand how to get them to join your network marketing opportunity.
First off, warm market does not believe in you like you do. They have witnessed your failures, and perhaps even seen you quit other things without success. They really do not believe you will ever be a person of great success. They simply can’t imagine it working out for you and seeing you in a place where most everyone wishes to be.
Another reason is they don’t understand the business model in network marketing, therefore may try to protect you from being a fool. They believe you have fallen for some scam or trick, and they want to keep you from loosing your money. They may mean well in this, but the truth is, they are the ones who have been fooled. You may or may not ever get them to see, or understand the business, but that doesn’t effect your success one way or the other.
Warm Market Is Not Needed To Be Successful
Another major point in getting your warm market to join your network marketing opportunity, is to know you do not need them at all to be successful. Understanding this actually helps with the process.
There are more people in your cold market than in your warm market. So don’t ever think you have to get some friends involved to be successful in network marketing. Trying too hard, or seeming too needy can actually be unattractive to people you know, therefore convincing them to not join. One thing you will learn in this post is that letting them know you do not need them, will make them more likely to join your network marketing opportunity than to seem too needy.
Never Beg, Bug, Or Ask Again
Never ask your warm market a second time to join your business. It is always good to let them know you are involved through a presentation, but never be the person who will not stop asking, and updating them every time you see them. This becomes very frustrating to your warm market, and they will never join if you act this way towards them. This comes off as annoying and needy.
Instead, if they say “No Thanks” after seeing a presentation, let them know that’s just fine. Inform them that if they ever change their mind to contact you. By doing it this way, they will ask you down the road how things are. If they are going good, they will be more open to joining. Be sure to let them ask you first, then let them know how things are. Never go into sales mode and act like that means they want to join. It may take a few times before they ask to see the presentation again or to get involved.
Inviting Your Warm Market
When the time comes to invite warm market to a presentation, this part can prove to be most important. Get it wrong, and you loose your chance.
Most people will go on and on about their opportunity, telling all the details about it that excites them. This raises questions from your warm market, and may even create disbelief.
Instead, you should be short and quick with a B.I.C (break in communication) before asking them to look at the presentation. Having a reason you can’t talk long, can avoid them asking too much ahead of time. Just let them know when you are coming over or when you will be calling, and let it go. The less they know before a presentation can prove more successful. Let the professional tools do the work, and let them see that it’s not just you who is involved in the business.
After You Work Your Warm Market List
After you have dialed through all your warm market list, it is time to move to cold market. You may find that cold market is much easier to work with than warm market. These are people who do not know your past, and many will just assume you are successful when you reach them. This of course, helps the prospect to listen in a non prejudice way towards you and the business.
Once you have began prospecting cold market, you will begin seeing some results. If you are consistently calling leads, and working hard, there is no reason you wouldn’t. The start is always slow for everyone, but you will get better and fill a pipeline. So get through the beginning and you should begin seeing signups.
Once this happens, checks come. Next time a warm market person asks how things are going, let them know about the income you are receiving, trips you perhaps are making, or rank advancing. Anything that can be impressive and be of interest to them. Then some of your warm market will be interested in seeing if they can do it too. To them, they may think if you can do it, why couldn’t they as well?
2 replies to "Getting Your Warm Market To Join Your Network Marketing Opportunity"
You hit the nail on the head my friend with how difficult dealing with your warm market can be initially. I know I’ve dealt with the skepticism and negative comments about Network Marketing. Keep the great content coming Jaye!
Thanks Rodney, as always I appreciate your comments and visiting!